Improving at Haskell

I am starting to feel more comfortable working with Haskell syntax.

first’ :: [a] -> a

first’ (x:_) = x

first’ takes a list and returns the first elementĀ of that list

last’ :: [a] -> a

last’ [x] = x

last’ (x:xs) = last’ xs

last’ recursively calls itself until it reaches the last element of a list

Foams of pink, bubbly and bright.

Hate is blue, purple and red.

Yellow is warm, often overlooked.

White is painful, bright and piercing.

Black is calm, methodical and absolute.

Kill everything.

Know nothing.

I like beer.

That violin plays a melody that caresses my ears.

It makes me think of hats and dresses.

Ribbons and bows.

A smile in the corner of her face.

How absurd.

Notice me, darn you!

NOtice, no dice!

Give me your flesh! I want it!

Chilly chills are chilly.

There is music emanating from my ass.

The saxophone in particular makes me laugh.

A childish laugh.

Broken and bitter.

Poop for me, please.

Poop onto the ground.

Let its acridity fester in the air.

You beautiful beast.

Hegemony next!

Cap the past; tip of the hat.

Camus on campus

I want to ride it so I have something interesting to say next time I actually go out, but then I don’t want everyone staring at me >.> It’s a metaphor for finals. The camel is the body–persistent and enduring–while the rider is the mind weathering the extreme heat. The body takes the stress of it all, but the mind is what’s truly fragile.
